Saw these figures from Airborne Miniatures and while I'm not great at figures decided I like the look of them....

Then I needed something to put them on and after some searching found this vignette base on Modern Armies in Minature made from plaster.

Comes very well packed in a sturdy box with lots of padding.

Each piece is then individually wrapped in plastic on a strong cardboard backing.

And dry fits quite well straight from the box. Not sure what glue will work best in plaster. Or paint for that matter.

The figures are very nicely molded with very little clean up required. Here the torso, legs, arms and some of the pouches have been assembled and the base coat of the AOR1 camo scheme applied

And just in case I actually manage to do a half decent job on the base I also ordered this:

The vehicle is there to give an idea of the size. The box is huge and weighs a ton. But it will feature in a future build...
.....break of a couple of weeks.....
As well as the 3 Airborne Miniatures figures I'm also using the new SEAL figure from Legend who arrived yesterday. Quite a departure from their normal figures, which are very nice anyway, but this guy has 51 separate parts! So now I can start painting.

While waiting I continued on the base.This was a WIP from about 2 weeks ago:

And now:

It's pretty much done now but I might add some rubbish, old tyres etc, when placing the figures.