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Judging by the mesh basket on the hull roof it's going to be a Royal Signals variant. Perhaps there will be masts in the kit which are typically fitted to the hull sides.
It's a standard 432 from the CAD drawings, the Signals 436 version differs in a lot of ways with the external fittings. One way of telling is the armoured back radio bin on the left hand side, also the roof has two Large armoured boxes SRBB and the CRBB ( Secure Radio Batton Box and the Clear Radio Batton Box ).
Almost all of the Clansman antenna bases are Armoured of which there are 5. Just to the right of the Commander is also an armoured SCRA((T) Box for the Ptarmigan whip antenna.
The 436 variant also has a penthouse tent frame on the rear, a 1500w countryman generator mounting tray to the rear on the left hand side and the power cable runs from the rear door socket to the front and wraps around the smoke grenade dischargers.
The cage is also bigger and covers the mortar hatches centrally. On my wagon I had two mast brackets which held a Racal PU 8m mast each, one to the right of the drivers position and one to rear right hand side again with a 8m mast.
We did use the standard 432 variants as VHF RRB wagon ( Radio Rebroadcast) and this was fitted with 4 VRC 353 Radios and the IBRU unit, from memory each troop had one and it doubled up as the driver trainer.
Chieftain tank bins were often bolted onto the side of cage to hold all the penthouse poles.
My wagon is on the far left and I'm on the far left. Photo was taken back in 1992 in Germany. The 43 on the right is 439 SAS (MC) Secondary Access Switch Message Centre) Ptarmigan fit which is whole different vehicle again.
Added to that we had the 439 Radio Relay vehicle with a 21m mast and generator on the roof top in an armoured box or coffin as the crews called it.

You can see the amoured back bin in this photo ignore the graffiti, my wagon was in for a 2500 mission service at the time and the REME guys had a bit of fun over lunch time.

Hope this helps