Like many here I was a somewhat productive modeler in my youth and have recently returned to the hobby. Since I started building again I've been lurking here and found some great advice and incredible inspiration. So naturally I figured the best way to dive into the community is to humiliate myself with a build log.

-- Semi-brief background on my return to the hobby - If you're just here for the embarassing pictures, skip down --
A while back my oldest and I started playing World of Tanks on our iPads, and I figured I'd use the game as a way to introduce him to modeling as something we could do together. So we built (well, I built, he painted) a Airfix Matilda, and that was enough to get me hooked back into things.

So next I picked up a Pegasus KV-1/KV-2 pack. They were ridiculously easy to put together and stupidly small for my eyes and hands, so I swore off anything 1:72/76 scale ever again.

Next I bit off a bit more than I really should have with an Academy Mig-29UB (two-seater). While I wouldn't classify it as a difficult model, it definitely had its idisyncrosies that took me some time and effort to figure out.

Scaling back a bit I put together a Tamiya 20mm Flakvierling. That was a fun little kit, and I made my first serious attempts at weathering on it (just some fading, rust stains and oil spills). When I showed it to my wife she said "Oh! It looks old," so I guess it didn't go completely awry.

That brings me to today where I am in the process of building a Tamiya Panther. Yes, that Panther, the one that is out of proportion, missing road wheels, and the like. I figured at this point I'm more in need of cheap plastic to play with that definitive accuracy, so it was hard to argue with the price. And frankly, anyone who's likey to see it I could probably tell them it was a Tiger and they'd believe me.

-- The good (by which I mean bad) stuff starts here --
So this will be my first build log. My goal is to make a Panther-ish looking tank. I plan on doing a desert camo, though going along with my complete disregard for accuracy, I am using the yellow, brown and drab colours I have handy, not necessarily the correct ones.

In the vein of doing things cheap, I'm hand brushing everything in enamels. At this point I'm basically a straight out of the box builder, though some of the things I've seen here are definitely giving me ideas for going beyond that.

Enough yammering from me. I look forward to chatting with you and sucking the knowledge from your brains. If nothing else, let this blog be an inspiration to someone else just starting - you can definitely suck at this and still have fun.


Lower hull and rear panel assembled. Sprockets and idlers are not yet glued.

Upper hull and accessories. This is my first attempt at painting before finishing assembly. Everything I've done before has been fully built before it saw a touch of paint.

Turret. I'm building this buttoned up. I painted my share of Warhammer figurines back in the day, and didn't feel like doing them this time.

Main assemblies, primed. After the Mig 29, this thing has built up like a dream. Very easy to assemble. The only weird thing was the small hole at the rear centre had nothing to plug it - it would have been open to the interior. Not sure if that's intended, but I found some spare plastic and plugged it underneath.

Undercoats on the upper hull. This is my first time playing with those. Also, first base coat on the road wheels. Will definitely need at least two coats. I think the hardest thing about this project will be keeping the road wheels organized. Green bits are the Churchill my son is working on.

So there you have it. Stay tuned, as it's only going to get worse....