After seeing some issues with the site using the old IE 4.5 for Mac I was concerned. However trying to find the issue at first seemed hopeless. Then lo-and-behold I looked at the defaul Apple/Netscape page that it was defaulting to on startup. Ahh! It looked like crap too! So I first thought. Well I will think like a Mac person and download the new version of Netscape. DOH! Netscape 7.1 only works with OS X! Silly Netscape. I am not buying OS X for a 5 year old i-Mac. So off to I went and downloaded and installed IE 5.1 for Mac. Works well. And the site I am happy to report looks very good also. I was amazed.

PS: If any of you odd Mac people have issues I can at least now try to track them down. Let's just hope they aren't Netscape 7.1 issues. You are on your own then.