Hobby Boss to release 1/35 M47 Patton tank
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 21, 2016 - 09:14 PM UTC
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There are two major production variations with different periscope and headlight guards and turret rails. Plus three different types of muzzle brake. Then there are at least three different updated and modernized versions. Plenty of M47s to do.
Of course one version could just be the M47 rear hull mated with a M26A1 turret and front hull to make a M46.
I'm surprised they skipped over the M46, actually. Especially since I have a Hobbyboss/Dragon kit bash almost finished.
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Posted: Monday, November 21, 2016 - 09:20 PM UTC
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There are two major production variations with different periscope and headlight guards and turret rails. Plus three different types of muzzle brake. Then there are at least three different updated and modernized versions. Plenty of M47s to do.
Of course one version could just be the M47 rear hull mated with a M26A1 turret and front hull to make a M46.
I'm surprised they skipped over the M46, actually. Especially since I have a Hobbyboss/Dragon kit bash almost finished.
An M46 would have been a more logical choice. That is "the missing Pattie" for all practical purposes and does not have to go up against "good and low priced" kits. You CAN produce what others have out but you need a good argument for the buyers (Tamiya goes "easy to build", Revell goes the "low priced but decend" and/or "post WWII german" route ie. the M48A2GA2 in 1:35, Italerie is a lot like Revell)
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United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 21, 2016 - 10:42 PM UTC
I welcome this news that HB will release an M47. Nice too if Takom also releases a couple.
But I must say I like the Italeri kit. I've built two of them already and have another in the stash. Even if HB and Takom release M47s, which I will buy, I'll still build that Italeri kit.
The more the merrier.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 - 02:41 AM UTC
I also have an Italeri M47 in the stash, along with the bits & decals to do a French version during the Suez Crisis. Should I build it or wait?
United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 - 08:26 AM UTC
It's going to be hard to beat the old Italeri kit, in fact I bought a few just to use the periscope guards and stowage box latches on other vehicles.
United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 - 09:21 AM UTC
I'm happy to see an M47 from anyone, if Takom makes some I'll be happy to see those as well.
New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, November 24, 2016 - 11:38 AM UTC
Another very welcome release, their Pershings weree reeally good value and quite good. I'll also ask for them to give us an M46 although the DML is preetty damn good just a cow to build.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 11:00 PM UTC
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I also have an Italeri M47 in the stash, along with the bits & decals to do a French version during the Suez Crisis. Should I build it or wait?
You can never go wrong with the Italeri kit. I've built quite a few over the last 30 plus years and still find it an exciting kit: especially with the few aftermarket nuggets out there (there will surely be more produced with the HobbyBoss and Takom releases). Plenty of decal choices out there as well! No need to wait IMHO about building Italeri's M47...got 4 myself going on at the same time with the decals for all 4 versions (maybe soon to be 5)!
IPMS number 506
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Posted: Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 11:29 PM UTC
It would be nice to see a new M46 and M47 but if they do the movie version to look like tigers count me out im not interested in them
United States
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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 08:03 AM UTC
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It would be really something if the released kit actually had the options for the movie vehicles. M47s were in a lot of movies you could do whole decal sheets with all the various markings.
With all the different variants of Dragons M48, I'm betting that there will soon be a DAK version!!!

I love how they didn't feel the need to make any other part of the M-48 look vaguely German, but those god damn muzzle brakes, we have swap those out for German looking ones.
United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2016 - 02:24 AM UTC
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If truth be told I think many of us may have been inspired by 'inaccurate movie vehicles' to research the real thing.
(Or just enjoyed a movie that actually HAD real tanks in it!)
Definitely and when I think of the Battle of the Bulge I think of both King Tiger's and M47's.
United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2016 - 02:26 AM UTC
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It would be really something if the released kit actually had the options for the movie vehicles. M47s were in a lot of movies you could do whole decal sheets with all the various markings.
Nice to see someone else saying that. I remember posting a while back that it would be nice to have some movie variants of different vehicles but not many seemed interested. Most seemed annoyed that they used such inaccurate vehicles to represent Tigers etc. I used to be like that too but now I think inaccurate movie vehicles in old films have a certain charm about them.
Some real life crews are instructed to perform for the camera as a live fire exercise. One movie well documented is the old Armored Command. It was filmed at the seventh army training center in Germany with real service vehicles. The German infantry were Americans in overcoats and helmets and told to run and do a tank supported armored assault.
Then there was the Beast where the platoon leader of the attacking Tiran 5 platoon gives the proper hand and arm signals for what the tanks then proceed to do. "Line" "button up" It was a real platoon told to do a fire and assault on camera.
The T-34/85s in Cross of Iron were Yugoslavian service vehicles firing live main guns rounds. You can tell they're firing real charges by how the vehicle lurches and shakes.
In the movies with the wrong period tanks. You are sometimes seeing real serving crews putting real service vehicles through their paces.
Interesting stuff!
Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2016 - 05:44 PM UTC
For other operators of the M47 for modeling purposes and a general look at variants, see: "European M47 Patton", elsewhere on Armorama.
IPMS number 506
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 19, 2016 - 12:09 AM UTC
Good news about HB doing the M-47, now I guess I'd better get back on the Italeri M-47 I started a while ago.....
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Monday, December 19, 2016 - 03:29 AM UTC
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Good news about HB doing the M-47, now I guess I'd better get back on the Italeri M-47 I started a while ago.....
But knowing Hobby Boss kits, I may stay with the ancient but great Italeri kit not only to finish it before the new release...
It's not too much, but it's all we got...
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 19, 2016 - 10:08 PM UTC
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Good news about HB doing the M-47, now I guess I'd better get back on the Italeri M-47 I started a while ago.....
But knowing Hobby Boss kits, I may stay with the ancient but great Italeri kit not only to finish it before the new release...
Good point.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, January 12, 2017 - 12:40 AM UTC
Has anyone seen any box art? For that matter, any release date??
IPMS number 506
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New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Thursday, January 12, 2017 - 04:01 AM UTC
not a fan of hobby boss at all ! thier tracks are terrible
Florida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, January 12, 2017 - 05:21 PM UTC
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not a fan of hobby boss at all ! thier tracks are terrible
I know whatcha mean...aftermarket tracks to the rescue!!
IPMS number 506
AMPS number 711