Once again IBG has a 'fail'. The body is a Ford produced item, both the radiator grill and the louvered air intakes are the Ford type! Chev production had a diagonal mesh for the radiator grill, and round air intakes in the front.
The IBG kits also do not have the anti-slip chequer plate cab floor, even though it is shown in the assembly instructions! I do like their depictions of the gear levers and handbrakes, these are far superior to those in the Mirror kits.
At least the No.12 cab hood/bonnet is close to what it should be, unlike Mirror Models (LZ models) so-called No.12 upgrade for their early CMP's that still has the No.11 hood/bonnet with the forward 'ledge' and still includes the Ford mesh..just Google early CMP trucks, or check out the Maple Leaf Up forums.
There is also a vast dimensional difference between both brands, the IBG kits are far too wide at the rear of the cab, and the Mirror ones are close on there, but too wide across the grille/fenders! The weird thing is that both manufacturers No.13 cabs are almost identical in dimensions...go figure????
Pete M.(Who is really glad to see these modern renditions of the CMP vehicles, but just wishes they were a bit closer to the real thing)