Military figures of all shapes and sizes.
New 3D Printed soviet tank crew
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Joined: January 16, 2017
KitMaker: 1 posts
Armorama: 1 posts
Posted: Monday, January 16, 2017 - 02:58 AM UTC

I am a 3D modeler, and started to test the shapeways system to create high detail figures. Here is the first figure, a WWII soviet tank crew member. The clothing parts are made with cloth simulation sofware and other parts are sculpted. I can easily generate more poses. A full tank crew set is planned.
This process makes the figure a bit pricey, but detail is high with their "frosted detail plastic" material.


I will order it myself and post some photos when it is ready.
But you can already try to order if you want to test it.

I will make more if it works out well.