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Hmmm, I have the Higgins Boat kit with these, so now I'm concerned they won't look right in it.
Jerry Rutman, can you help show us how to modify them to look accurate in a landing craft?
Hi, Bill!
As a dedicated figure modeler, let me add my 2-cents worth at this point. I have these guys plus the earlier release of the ITALERI LCVP without the Infantry figures and the more current release of the LCVP with the greater number of figures- I am not one to leave a new kit that I've just acquired sealed for more than a few minutes. This practice saves me disappointments when I finally get around to building said kits. That said, I WAS disappointed to some degree by these figures, realizing beforehand that ITALERI figures are not the best, which is being polite.
a. Bring these figures up to 21st Century standards, and
b. It's going to take even MORE work to make these guys look like they're actually aboard a moving, heaving, bouncing and trouncing LCVP coming ashore at Omaha or Utah Beaches on the morning of 6 June, 1944. (see the above comments made by the other guys)
It's really a "no-win" situation with these particular figure sets, as they are "neither fish nor fowl", as far as their uniforms and equipment are concerned, except for the M1938 Leggings with Combat Shoes, which can be grafted onto other, better 1/35 GIs in RESIN. Photographic evidence shows that many GIs were still wearing the Leggings and Combat Shoes at war's end. Not EVERYONE was fortunate enough to be wearing the M1943 Boots, as the majority of 1/35 US GI figures depict. So, if any of you guys out there already have these figure sets, they're not really a total loss.
My advice: If you have A LOT of time on your hands, plus A LOT of patience to alter, convert, correct and re-pose these guys, go ahead. As for myself, the sets that I have in my possession will wind up in my "spare figure-parts" bins.
Don't get me wrong- I really like to convert and correct many of my figures, just not so MANY at one time, in order to create an ACCURATE "US Infantry coming ashore on D-Day" dio. Obtaining these ITALERI LCVP/GI Figures kits WAS my original plan, because I really, really wanted to build said "D-Day" dio for my own personal collection. Not so much, now...