Just wanted to give my quick impression of the model...
I'm in the process of building it right now and honestly I'm not impressed.
In this day and age where the quality is getting better all the time, this kit is a throwback to earlier days...it reminds me of an old trumpter kit.
Overall fit, is rather poor and you'll need a lot of patience, together with an assortment of files and sandpaper.
The details are, such as they are, rather crude and weld lines are poorly done.
The parts suffer from nasty sink marks and holes, so putty will come in handy. The sink holes in the suspension, I chose not to do anything about, they are thankfully hard to see.
Location holes are not holes, rather indentations in the plastic, sometimes they are shallow, sometimes not, this is especially noticeable where the smoke launches are located...four big dents that doesn't fit the delicate photo etch bracket.
I could go on, but I'd rather not...
Overall, unless you really want to build one, I'd recommend skipping this one.