Specifically, I'm hoping to use Pine Canyon Scale Models 'Toxic Terminal' and several other buildings to create a model of the shuttered '20th Century Motor Company' (a business featured in Ayn Rand's epic, 'Atlas Shrugged' http://www.conservapedia.com/Twentieth_Century_Motor_Company ) on my 'S'-scale (1:64th scale) model layout.
The shuttered 20th Century Motor Company will then serve as "brick and steel of a nondescript building" mentioned in the opening of Mark Levin's radio program (full text below) with a bunker entrance located on the slope below the abandoned buildings.
Would Italeri's 'Costal Defense Bunker' (#6085) work for this purpose???

I was hoping to use the larger "rear doors", shown in the pictures above, and that side of the bunker as the entrance to Levin's bunker.
Would the doors be tall enough to accommodate an average sized 1:64 scale man (approximately 1.13 inches tall)?
Could they also accommodate a 1:64th scale armored SUV (1.09 X 1.23 inches)?
Thank you
The 'Mark Levin Show' intro;
"Now broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader, Mark Levin!"