What I'm trying to find are pictures of OUR unit's equipment. I have one blurry, out of focus picture so far. Our unit sported the chevron in the "point up" position with the number(s) 70 as our unit ID. Our tanks were sand color, not camo. Any pictures possibly showing painting details like bumper numbers, etc. would be greatly appreciated. I was only in 1/4 Cav for the duration of the "shooting" part of the conflict as all of our tanks & personnel were transferred into 3/37 & 4/37 Armor following the Iraqi surrender because 4th Cav was ONLY authorized having the tanks for the short period of fighting. My driver, who we called "Jay Bird" Johnson took a lot of photos but he was transferred to a different unit than I was and I never saw him again or his pictures since he had to wait until returning to Ft. Riley to get his pics developed. Also, at that time I no idea that I might need pictures of our tanks & other vehicles to make a model 26 years later!
Anyway, if you can post or direct me to some photos of 1/4 Cav tanks during ODS, please let me know. I'm not real swift on confuser ... er, computer techniques but I have searched the 'Net with no success.
Thank you very much in advance!
Jeff Bailey - M1A1MstrGn (M1A1 Master Gunner, for the curious)