I have just joined and posted up and introduction, and here is my latest completion as well.
As this is my first post I might get the photos wrong so please bear with me.
This is my completed Tamiya 1/35 Type 90 Tank with Mine Roller.
Build Summary
I built this pretty much OOB, with the exception of stowage, the wires on the smoke dispensers which were scratch built using thin wire and the antenna, also made using slightly thicker wire. The visors on the hatches were made by mixing Microsol Klear and Tamiya X-23 clear blue. I decided to keep the tank clean and weather it very slightly. The tracks, and mine roller were weathered a bit more but the tanks as a whole has a clean look. This is how I like it. I built the tank first and the mine roller second, as I prefer to build in sub assemblies. The mine roller tow cables broke off and so look slightly bent in the final model. With the stowage I added a few civillian Jerry cans to add some colour and a brief case carrying the launch codes!
The colours on the tank are slightly off as I decided not to use the Tamiya JGSDF colours as I do not like to paint with acrylics, so the tank was painted using Humbrol enamels, with colours that were eyeballed to match but also to create more of contrast. Finally the panel lines were highlighted using Copic Multi liner pens - Black using the 0.03mm tip and the 0.05mm tip. I prefer using these to washes as it gives me more control and also helps create that clean look I was going for. The paint was faded slightly in areas and preshaded in others to give that ever so slight weathered feel.
Final Reveal Video
I am not sure how to embed a video yet, so here goes
Type 90 with Mine Roller
Type 90 without Mine Roller
Final Photos