It is a big box, and absolutely packed with sprues.
So the first night, I was able to get the rocket body halves together and puttied, as well as the engine for the Hanomag and center support for the trailer.
I did find the the edges are not perfect, some are a little rounded in spots, so the need for filler.
The rest of center trailer support goes together very well, no issues here.
The same goes for the basic frame for the Hamomag.
And the size of the rocket is impressive in 1/35 scale, but it next to a Scud, and wow.
There is a lot of details in the trailer, so work will continue. I am however looking for images of a Meillerwagen. There are a lot of air tanks, oxygen tanks, etc, and I would like to include the "plumbing" but have been unable so far to find and good detailed images of the trailer. If know of a source, please let me know.