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So it is a rebox of the T-62 parts with new/updated ERA parts, just like I said.
Well, you could say that about Trumpeter's KV series as well, couldn't you? I mean, if the second kit had 90% the same parts as the first, the third had 90% of the second, and so on wouldn't you really be saying that their SU-152 is just a rebox with some new parts of their KV-2? Or how about their IT-1 missile tank? Is it just a rebox of their T-62?
While there is no standardized glossary of terms for models, the common understanding of a statement like "The xxx kit is a rebox of the yyy kit and is supposed to have updated/improved parts" is that xxx is substantially the same as yyy with no real change in version, molding, detailing, and so forth. The term "rebox" is somewhat pejorative, carrying a meaning of "just a new box" or "same plastic, new paper". The perfect examples are the Tamiya issues of Italeri kits. In this case the two tanks are both T-62s, so there's really not a lot that's going to change, is there?
As to these particular kits they have different tracks and ERA fits. You can view the 01549 parts and instructions
here and the 01556