The Dragon UH-1D/H is not that bad and can come out great with a little work.
These pilots are not only for a UH-1D/H though. They could be used with the excellent Dragon OH-6A, the equally great MRC/Academy UH-1C, the pretty good SAR/Seminar UH-1B, a Revell OH-13H (M*A*S*H kit (minus stretcher racks) or gunship kit), a Revell 1/32 UH-1D/H, a Revell 1/32 Jetranger (reworked into an OH-58A), or Italeri's 1/32 HH-43 Pedro (with a lot of work or the excellent Cobra Company update set - if you can find one), etc., etc., etc... They would be great with any Vietnam-era helicopter.