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For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
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need new kits !


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 07:45 PM UTC
Is anyone else getting tired of Tigers , Panthers , Sherman ? we need some new fresh kits from the major manufacturers ! Dragon, Tamiya !! Especially in the WW 2 venue !


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 07:57 PM UTC
Meng makes some modern armor you might want to try,did their T-90,was a great kit.
Tamiya has some newer stuff,some French Tanks and an early Russian BT-7
Tamiya has some newer stuff,some French Tanks and an early Russian BT-7


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 08:11 PM UTC
Tamiya has a Valentine and an improved Crusader coming. Nothing is stranger than a Finnish BT-42 they did. Try Hobby boss for T-26 and T-28 series Russian tanks or the reissued Tristar Pzkpfw 38(t) tanks. Bronco has a Hungarian Turan coming as well as Zryini already out.
Tamiya did the BT-7, Somua and Char Bis. In fact they've been doing mostly oddities lately. SU-76? A new variant of the Matilda?
Seek and you'll find. Sure the Tigers and Shermans grab all the headlines but scrub away the surface and there's all kinds of oddities out there in recent quality kits. Tanks with rivets and angles.
Tamiya did the BT-7, Somua and Char Bis. In fact they've been doing mostly oddities lately. SU-76? A new variant of the Matilda?
Seek and you'll find. Sure the Tigers and Shermans grab all the headlines but scrub away the surface and there's all kinds of oddities out there in recent quality kits. Tanks with rivets and angles.

Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 08:42 PM UTC
Each poll or questionnaire which arises I jot down my request for kits of the LVT1 and LVT3/LVT3C, ideally in 1/35 along with some LVTP5/LVTH6/LVTE1 kits in 1/72. All of these were major players in WWII, Korea and Vietnam respectively and yet there is no options to add these to my build cue.
Each poll or questionnaire which arises I jot down my request for kits of the LVT1 and LVT3/LVT3C, ideally in 1/35 along with some LVTP5/LVTH6/LVTE1 kits in 1/72. All of these were major players in WWII, Korea and Vietnam respectively and yet there is no options to add these to my build cue.


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 08:48 PM UTC
I've been saying that many times can you keep releasing tigers and panthers? Also almost every time a magazine comes out it features a tiger or a panther boring! Its like that song you like getting overplayed on the radio after a while you hate the song.


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 08:50 PM UTC
I was thrilled to see the Takom and Hobby Boss T-29 T-30 series...maybe I will get my dream of AFV club doing some US post WWII the M53, M-65 Atomic cannon and US army missiles like the Honest John, Corporal, Lacrosse, Pershing.


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 08:57 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I was thrilled to see the Takom and Hobby Boss T-29 T-30 series...maybe I will get my dream of AFV club doing some US post WWII the M53, M-65 Atomic cannon and US army missiles like the Honest John, Corporal, Lacrosse, Pershing.
I'll second the vote for some of the US missile systems.


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 09:12 PM UTC
I'd love to see more modern (1970s and upward) South African armor in styrene. Takom has started with the Rhino, but we need Ratel, Buffel, Casspir...


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:02 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I'd love to see more modern (1970s and upward) South African armor in styrene. Takom has started with the Rhino, but we need Ratel, Buffel, Casspir...
Trumpeter announced a Rooikat last year,but no sign of it yet.


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:20 PM UTC
Im into the WW2 to V N era. I was part of a m113 crew in Viet Nam , as USAF base security in Da Nang. I usually order from Squadron or Sprue brothers . Do you have any suggestions for other sites in the US ?


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:24 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Tamiya has a Valentine and an improved Crusader coming. Nothing is stranger than a Finnish BT-42 they did. Try Hobby boss for T-26 and T-28 series Russian tanks or the reissued Tristar Pzkpfw 38(t) tanks. Bronco has a Hungarian Turan coming as well as Zryini already out.
Tamiya did the BT-7, Somua and Char Bis. In fact they've been doing mostly oddities lately. SU-76? A new variant of the Matilda?
Seek and you'll find. Sure the Tigers and Shermans grab all the headlines but scrub away the surface and there's all kinds of oddities out there in recent quality kits. Tanks with rivets and angles.![]()
Thanks I actually did those kits . Im retired and have plenty of time on my hands especially in the winter!


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:42 PM UTC
Scalehobbyist is very good Lou


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 11:20 PM UTC
Dave: what are you talking about? New WW2 kits that aren't Tiger/Panther/Sherman?
Where have you been? Recent Tamiya M40 SPG, M10 Tank Destroyer, upcoming Valentine, upcoming reworked Crusader.
DML continues to offer up Pz III and Pz IV variants. A SPG Hetzer was just announced.
IBG announced Scammell trucks and tractors.
Hobby Boss, Trumpeter, AFV Club, Bronco, Takom, Meng ... have not been dormant.
There literally has been about a hundred new WW2 era kits announced in the last five years besides Shermans/Panthers/Tigers. Did you happen to buy them all and build them? Are you being facetious?
Where have you been? Recent Tamiya M40 SPG, M10 Tank Destroyer, upcoming Valentine, upcoming reworked Crusader.
DML continues to offer up Pz III and Pz IV variants. A SPG Hetzer was just announced.
IBG announced Scammell trucks and tractors.
Hobby Boss, Trumpeter, AFV Club, Bronco, Takom, Meng ... have not been dormant.
There literally has been about a hundred new WW2 era kits announced in the last five years besides Shermans/Panthers/Tigers. Did you happen to buy them all and build them? Are you being facetious?


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Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017 - 11:55 PM UTC
I should talk, I just bought six Shermans including two Easy-8, three Crusader cruiser tanks and three M13/40 to do all kinds of different variations. I like to do the same vehicle over again but different.
I really want to have all three marks of the Crusader and a green Tunisian campaign one on my shelf.
I really want to have all three marks of the Crusader and a green Tunisian campaign one on my shelf.


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Posted: Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 03:06 AM UTC
Lol Roy not being facetious at all . ww2 German stuff in general bores me now. Tigers stugs pz 4 etc we just had i think 3 different manufacturer come out with king tigers dml sells you the same kit in three different boxes i mean come on lol. I started off modelling ww2 German but always wanted more IDF or cold war/ modern armor and although companies are producing alot of what i like ,they still insist on doing a new tiger every couple years or do what dragon rebox and change some small item in the kit. I get ww2 German is probably the most popular but there are hundreds of things people would love to see in plastic and how many articles do i need to read on how to model a tiger and yes i know i don't have to read or buy it if i don't like it lol


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Posted: Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 03:40 AM UTC
As a confirmed panzer nut I agree we need some different kits and themes. (Although I would love to see a decent Bergepanther!!)
It is getting better with Takom, Meng, IBG, Thunder, Mirror bringing out some neat kits. Even Riich, Vision etc are doing some cool things. I definitely have my eye on the Thunder Scammel tank transporter!! A big gap is postwar to 1980s. I was reading a book on NATO vehicles the other day and realized just how many vehicles were out well some civilian vehicles would be nice such as more pickups, cars, emergency vehicles (E350 or Sprinter or Transit ambulances with international decal options) and construction vehicles. A nice police Range Rover or old Leyland or Ford Transit would be great!Imagine a Kenworth or Peterbilt in 1/35? That would be so cool!
It is getting better with Takom, Meng, IBG, Thunder, Mirror bringing out some neat kits. Even Riich, Vision etc are doing some cool things. I definitely have my eye on the Thunder Scammel tank transporter!! A big gap is postwar to 1980s. I was reading a book on NATO vehicles the other day and realized just how many vehicles were out well some civilian vehicles would be nice such as more pickups, cars, emergency vehicles (E350 or Sprinter or Transit ambulances with international decal options) and construction vehicles. A nice police Range Rover or old Leyland or Ford Transit would be great!Imagine a Kenworth or Peterbilt in 1/35? That would be so cool!


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Posted: Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 03:56 AM UTC
I would also like to see more M113 options for NATO and export nations. Canadian M113 bulldozer, Lebanese M113, Brazilian etc.


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Posted: Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 06:42 AM UTC
I wouldn't mind a new m-107 spg or an m-54 5ton truck/gun truck or some brown water navy stuff.the m113 is on my list now afv has one on the way im sure they will give us some variety.
Posted: Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 07:21 AM UTC

Fight for Raqqa: US Marines dispatched to Syria with artillery to help recapture Isis capital
M777 perhaps???
Posted: Monday, March 13, 2017 - 06:36 AM UTC
Howdy Y'all
I'm slow builder. If, and that's a big if, I could build two 1/35th and two 1/48 scale armor kits by Tamiya per year, I would never build all the cool kits Tamiya has released; let alone all the other manufactures' cool kits. Very few Tigers, Panthers & Shermans being released by Tamiya lately.
Just my two cents.
Take care,
Don "Lakota"

I'm slow builder. If, and that's a big if, I could build two 1/35th and two 1/48 scale armor kits by Tamiya per year, I would never build all the cool kits Tamiya has released; let alone all the other manufactures' cool kits. Very few Tigers, Panthers & Shermans being released by Tamiya lately.
Just my two cents.
Take care,
Don "Lakota"


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Posted: Monday, March 13, 2017 - 07:57 AM UTC
Quoted Text
M777 perhaps???
I have been looking for a good M77 for a long time. Thought about converting other kits, but am too impatient to build it. I've got a Long Tom from AFV that's working its way to the top of the pile, and I have FLAK 18 in my weathering station right now. I like big guns.


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Posted: Monday, March 13, 2017 - 12:18 PM UTC
I just want an injection molded 1/35 AML 90.
Tamiya would be nice, Meng or HB or Takom would be fine. Trumpeter would be fine, I'm not picky who does it and I don't expect 3 different companies to do it just so long as it's not another Black Label abomination.
Tamiya would be nice, Meng or HB or Takom would be fine. Trumpeter would be fine, I'm not picky who does it and I don't expect 3 different companies to do it just so long as it's not another Black Label abomination.

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Posted: Monday, March 13, 2017 - 06:55 PM UTC
For WWII armor I suggest looking at IJA subjects. They are different, often overlooked, and in particular with Dragon's releases, I think their finest efforts. They aren't complicated and the instructions are clear and easy to follow.
It would be great to get a new M3 or M3A1 light tank, or even the M2A4. I think new subjects will appear when people start looking beyond what is generally offered. Manufacturers make what they think will sell, and if it sells everyone else will make it.
It would be great to get a new M3 or M3A1 light tank, or even the M2A4. I think new subjects will appear when people start looking beyond what is generally offered. Manufacturers make what they think will sell, and if it sells everyone else will make it.


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Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 01:09 AM UTC
Have a look at the Bronco line, not a Sherman or Tiger to be seen and rarities like the two Allied Airborne tanks, British and German Armoured Cars etc. Planty of WW2 subjects that aren't the usual Sherman/Tiger/Panther/Paz III/IV. Add to that Miniart, AFV Club and Trumpeter there are tons of new releases of WW2 subjects that aren't Tigers/Shermans etc


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Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 05:09 PM UTC
Most of all I need MORE TIME to be able to get something built at all. My job, wifes job, household work, helping kids with homework, renovating apartment, getting some sleep occasionally ...
My head is almost spinning with all the exciting new releases that are coming "all the time".
Things that I never even dared to hope for, even as resin kits, turn up as affordable mainstream styrene kits.
We are certainly living in modelers paradise
/ Robin
My head is almost spinning with all the exciting new releases that are coming "all the time".
Things that I never even dared to hope for, even as resin kits, turn up as affordable mainstream styrene kits.
We are certainly living in modelers paradise

/ Robin
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