I'm still figuring out how the picture posting works, so I've accidentally wiped out the initial pictures I posted (by deleting them to make room for the new ones.)
I've put everything together and have a few thoughts. I agree with Tom about the worst part - the main Target Tracking Radar dish and the poorly numbered pegs that go between the dish and plate. It took forever to get it to work correctly.
Here is the whole upper turret assembly:
And here are the pegs:

The feed horn for the target acq radar:

Acq Radar Photo etch dish

Missile canister supports:

Driver's compartment

Chassis. I managed to break one of the pins that the wheel hub attaches to, so I had to glue in place instead of allowing it to turn.

Front of the upper hull

Top. I will glue the hatch open. It does have interior detail on the hatch.

Rear upper hull

I plan on painting it as an Iraqi SA-8 (Whenever the weather is agreeable..), so it'll be Desert Yellow (Tamiya color). Might add a Red Brown Camo pattern to it. I have some decals from the old DML ZSU-23-4 that I can use to mark it
The next kit is the Scud B on the 2P19 chassis. That one has sprues from 3 other kits (JS-4, Object 704, Scud B (missile sprue from the other Scud) and some specific for this kit) Step 1 for that has errors already...