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Another T tank I will have to get. Does it look a lot like the tanks used by Lebanon? Would the IDF versions have the 105?
Don't know about the ones given to the Christian militia in Lebanon (SLA)
but IDF seem to have been upgraded them to use a 105 mm weapon after some years (could easier supply of ammunition be one of the reasons ??)
This page
http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/Israeli-Tanks.php has this to say about Tiran-4 (based on captured T-54s)
"Tiran-4 (T-54)
Early type: New fenders, rear opening loaders hatch and antenna mount in front of TC
Added to this .30 cal in MG ring on the loaders hatch, two gas cans on front fenders.
1970s Upgrade (before Yom Kippour war) 105 mm, new TC antenna, TC spotlight with red filter lense, Sherman-type aiming device, fire extinguisher, US headlamps, central .30 cal MG, and after 1973, twin antenna and IDF oil storage box.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-54/T-55_operators_and_variants#Israel we find this:
"Tiran-4 - Modified T-54 with original 100 mm gun.[37] It has two water cans fitted to the rear of the turret, new fenders, new loader's hatch that opens to the rear and a new antenna mount. Later fitted were a rounded stowage bin on the rear of the turret, pintle-mounted .30 cal M1919A4 Browning medium machine gun in front of the loaders hatch and gas cans fitted to the front fenders.[85]
Tiran-4Sh - upgraded Tiran-4, fitted with Sharir 105 mm gun. It also was fitted with a newer type of antenna mount in, new infrared spotlight for the commander, an aiming system from the Sherman medium tank, fire extinguisher mounted in front of the searchlight, new headlights, centrally mounted .30 cal M1919A4 Browning medium machine gun, signal flag holders and an oil can mounted on the rear of the left fender.[85] It also has ammunition racks modified to suit the 105mm ammunition, new communications equipment, modified commander's seat, new gunner's seat, azimuth indicator installed, driver's hatch modified so that it can opened from the outside, coaxial machine gun replaced by a 7.62mm Browning machine gun and the cupola mounted DShK 1938/46 antiaircraft heavy machine gun replaced by a 12.7 mm Browning heavy machine gun, new fire control, night vision equipment, electrical system, air-conditioning system, antennae mounts on the rear of the turret, infantry tank-telephone on the rear of the hull, exhaust outlet angled upwards, additional track stowage and fire-extinguishing system installed"
/ Robin