I have another building that will go with it that has been blasted and turned into a strong point by the Russians. I'm scratching my head trying to come up with the makings for the rubble for the caved in walls and flat roof of the thing as well as portraits of Stalin, tables, chairs cabinets, china, glass, silverware, beds, rugs wallpaper, etc.
Maybe this should go into a section for "it'ld be nice if," but wouldn't it be nice if maybe Revell would come up with a line of injection molded buildings, some intact---some burned out for inclusion in dioramas in 1/72 and 1/35? I would lay my money down for something like that; more to build and paint, another discipline of diorama building to master, and an addition that would make dioramas more friendly to those who don't have braille scale archetect's degrees.