Quite large vehicles, I will have to figure out how to put them on base as I would like to make them if fire ready position.
Starting with Rubez frame:
Engine and suspestion in parts. I'm trying to do it a little bit different that manual says as on SCUD I manage to broke some wheel arms:
So far so good with one small issue. I have a feeling that forms after Smerch and SCUD are used too much as quality of parts is much worse than on SCUD (I did Smerch from Meng so cannot compare). Parts have bad seem lines and requires a lot of cleaning.
Parts primed in black and ready for assemble:
Frame with engine glued:
I drilled exhaust pipes a little bit wider and rust them with pigments:
Dry fit of front bumper and grill/radiator section:
Front side views:
I did supports as well, had to replace handle with wire:
I glued turret frame (dryfit with main frame):
That's it for the Bereg, now moving on to Rubezh.