I am currently buildinh the Baz kit and also have the D LIC kit.
I used the individual link tracks on the Baz. Make sure to count them, mine came with 16 links short, so I had to use some links from the extra supplied in the Hobby Boss Merkava 3 kit.
The turret needs lot of dry fits and attention during assembly. the same goes for the engine deck.
The turret and rear hull baskets are decent, Legend makes a great set but assembling the chain and balls hanging beneath the turret bustle rack requires a lot of concentration and patience.
The gun barrel needs careful alignment between the parts. Filling and sanding seem hard to avoid though.
The suspension arms are a bit tricky, try some dry fitting before gluing.
The clear parts supplied are excellent and provide a very realistic look.
The commander's cupola of the D LIC needs careful asssembly too.
The smoke grenade launchers need to have wiring attached and require filling and sanding on the sides.
The commander's machine gun assembly is a bit tricky.
The sideskirts are given as a single piece while they should be attached to their attachment points in pairs.
That is all I can think of right now.
How do you plan to do the antiskid surface?