Trumpeter has finished the test build of the BMPT-72 "Terminator 2". It just requires some minor corrections and it will be done.
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Why when you have an excellent kit from tiger models?
The rare occasion that one would chose Trumpeter over another company.
The Issues that are suspect, are really not all that big to worry about, as Im sure there will be about half-A-Dozen AM Companies that will offer the correct item's
Quoted TextWhy when you have an excellent kit from tiger models?
I'm afraid Tiger one is not that excellent.....
Real one:
1.The rear slat armor plate should be 3 individual pieces,
2.look at the APU unit hatch
3.Armor plate around the turret ring has 2 joint point on each one, not just attached to the turret ring,
4. Frontal storage box one the right side should be on the same line with side armor plate.
5. Barrel protector. there should be some detail on the top of it.
"NOT BIG"---??????? This kit is not even seen the lite of Day yet, and Im sure there will be people who will find items on the Trumpeter release that are suspect also![]()
One of the Item's is the Thermo Sleeve that you picked out, as being Inaccurate !? I have pictures in my Library showing Both types of Sleeves over the Barrels.
The BMPT-72 has gone thru so many design changes that its diffacult to depict any one item as suspect for A Paper Panzer in reality.
People tend to happily celebrate any kits released by some manufacturers like Meng or Tiger Models, regardless of their accuracy.
Of course there's no kit without flaws, errors or simplified details, but quite often some comments are completely biased by personal feelings instead of objective views.
So, any Meng or Tiger Models mistake is easily forgiven because some AM company will release some stuff to fix them.
But when a Trumpeter kit shows any error, it seems that the "modeling-Armaggedon" had arrived. Give me a break...
Yes, frequently Meng's kits look -and are- more accurate or with crisper details than the Trumpeter's kit of the same vehicle.
But frequently does not mean always.
Same happens with Tiger Model's kits. They are usually very well engineered and show a good level of detail, but they also usually suffer from a number of errors.
It's up to each one to decide if each kit's errors make them better or worse -for instance in comparison with Trumpeter or Hobby Boss ones-.
I for one will stay with Hobby Boss Nagmachon any given day, over Tiger Model's one.
What I will never buy is the idea that no error is big because it can be fixed with AM stuff and so I should be happy to spend 60+ bucks in the kit and a similar amount to solve its errors.
BTT, in this case, I will also wait for trumpeter's kit...
Hi Everybody;
IMHO People Should do A lil-Home Work or Research before they say A kit is Not Accurate !!!!!!!!!! It never Fails to Amaize me when someone is Looking at A T-90 with 8 spoke road wheels and say's "Thats Not Accurate" --When you can even Go on the e-net and find them with all the same road wheels and even mixed with 6 or 8 spoked road wheels !
Now if your Building A paticular vehicle then it mite matter ! -- To say A kit is Not Accurate when it has not even been on the Market for six month's and researched is A Bit Premature ! Everyone Builds for Different reasons, and I as One individual will research A Subject before I even Cut plastic !!--But Im Strange![]()
Hi Everybody;
IMHO People Should do A lil-Home Work or Research before they say A kit is Not Accurate !!!!!!!!!! It never Fails to Amaize me when someone is Looking at A T-90 with 8 spoke road wheels and say's "Thats Not Accurate" --When you can even Go on the e-net and find them with all the same road wheels and even mixed with 6 or 8 spoked road wheels !
Now if your Building A paticular vehicle then it mite matter ! -- To say A kit is Not Accurate when it has not even been on the Market for six month's and researched is A Bit Premature ! Everyone Builds for Different reasons, and I as One individual will research A Subject before I even Cut plastic !!--But Im Strange![]()
Hi Guys;
"GEEEEEZZZZ"--You seem Intent on Pissing about the Thermo Shroud; Even the T-90 can be seen with Different 6 spoke road wheels, the newer type has more of A flower petal type design !Are you going to say, thats not accurate !! Just Build the Thing the way you want & Have Fun !!
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