So instead of crying about no Bergepanther in 1/35 or early M1 Abrams, why don't we talk about what we already have?
Something more positive and helpful (especially for those returning to the hobby after years of hiatus or new hobbyists (maybe thanks to World of Tanks)? Things have certainly improved in the 21st century for this hobby (I joined Armorama in 2002 and wow what a journey).
Let's list your top 3 kits by any era (or major war).

U.S. modern
#1. Dragon M1A1 AIM and M1A2 SEP (3535 and 3536)
- OK, OK, there are newest Academy, Meng and RFM offerings but these 10 year old kits have stood the test of time and were revolutionary when released at a time when modern kits were neglected. Certainly a game changer. Became a gold standard.
#2. Meng Bradley M2A3 or M3A3 (SS004 and 006)
- After many cries for newer Bradley kit, Meng stunned us with this beast.
#3. AFV Club M60A3 (35249)
- Another nice kit in response to decades of cries for newer M60A3 representation
Other modern (NATO)
#1. Meng Leopard 2A7 - the details on this kit are very crisp.
#2. Tamiya Challenger 2 (35274) - it's a bit old but definitely a wow when it came out in 2002.
#3. Tiger French AMX-10RCR - it's a nice gem if you haven't seen it.
Russian/Soviet modern
#1. Tamiya T-55 (35257) - this was a game changer when released in 2002 and with lots of anticipation
#2. Trumpeter T-72B (05564) - Another answer to much crying for an accurate T-72 in plastic
#3. Meng T-90A - Another stunner from a newer player Meng.
IDF modern
#1. Meng D9R dozer - this was unique and was one of my most wanted kits. Very nicely detailed
#2. Academy Merkava IV - I know, I know, it has its flaws but still a descent kit (this and Hobby Boss are the only games in town anyway)
#3. Tiger model Nagmachon - this was the first in plastic and many were happy. I've heard Hobby Boss offering is better but Tiger Model came first and wowed us.
Vietnam war
#1. AFV Club M42A1 Duster - After many years of anticipation, AFV Club didn't disappoint.
#2. Dragon M48A3 (3546) - This was another answer to many people's cry for newly tooled M48A3.
#3. Academy M113A1 Vietnam - It's old and likely will be overshadowed by upcoming AFV Club's offering but it was the best M113 for Vietnam War up until now.
Honorable mention for Miniart T-54: I couldn't put it with "modern" or "Vietnam" category but with all the interior parts, Miniart showed off its technology.
Korean war
#1. Hobby Boss M26 or T26 Pershings - For some reason, not widely popular but this is the best Pershing kit out there I think.
#2. Dragon M-46 Patton (6805) - It's an old kit but for its age, great details and fits
#3. Bronco M-24 Chaffee Korean War - A great kit with all the modern engineering
WWII Allied
#1. Any Shermans from Asuka/Tasca - beautifully molded and perfect fits; revolutionary in my opinion
#2. Tamiya Willys MB (35219) - this little gem is almost 20 years old but still has very nice details.
#3. Bronco T17E1 Staghound - This was something hobbyists had wanted for several decades also.
Honorable mention: Dragon M3A1 half-track - Despite the controversy over "bulge or no bulge", this was many modelers dream come true. Still pretty nice. Another historical release.
WWII Axis (not my specialty but I have built some German kits)
#1. Dragon Tiger 1 mid with Zimmerit (6700) - this is a kit with all the bells and whistles. Too bad that it has gotten a collector's item status and super expensive.
#2. Meng King Tiger (TS-031) - All the hype was probably met. Meng's great details at its finest.
#3. Asuka/Tasca Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf.L “Luchs” - Another little finely detailed kit but hard to find nowadays.
Figure kits
#1. Resin figures from Alpine - Revolutionary b/c these figures actually looked like miniature humans and statues. Not just resin figurines but an artwork of some sort. New gold standard for figures I'd say.
#2. Live Resin - even though mostly limited to the U.S. modern, they truly utilized 3D technology. Their accessories are awesome, too. The detail is simply amazing.
#3. Dragon figures from the 2000s - when it comes to plastic 1/35 figures, Dragon's are still the best. However, Miniart is catching up fast I'd say.
Honorable mentions: Bravo-6 and Legend Productions
So what are your top threes?