I'm currently building Tamiya's 1/35 Wespe. It will be the first one I've attempted in a year. It is a marvelous kit, with no flash and mold lines, if you can find them, are almost insignificant. I am really enjoying this kit.
However, I've got a few questions.
1. I want to model this as a vehicle from the 1st SS LAH in Normandy. However, internet searches turn up little. The best I get is orders of battle, but they don't provide any insignia for the specific artillery battalions.
2. I've seen photos of Wespes with a top-mounted MG-42 or 34. I have an unused MG-42 with AA mount from the Mobelwagen kit, and am thinking about using it. Does anyone know what the mount looked like, was it a simple pole or was it on a crane-like mount, like the SdKfz-251?
3. The rubber tracks that came with the kit are badly warped. Are there any good aftermarket tracks that won't break my bank? If not, is Tamiya good at providing replacement parts?
These may seem like newbie questions, but that's because they are

Thanks in adance,
Matt Reeves.