Above the 75mm mantlet there is apparently a cage of some sort protecting one of the open type of sights.
First off, am I right, is it a protective cage?
Secondly, what kind of sight is it, the single blade or the fore/aft peek through type?
Third, anyone have any better photos of this area?
Last, this is the tank that a friend's father drove, and it is supposed to be the Royal Wilts Ymry. However the A squadron sign on the turret, the triangle, doesn't look to be yellow, I'd bet red or blue from the contrast. Has my friend been misled on the unit her dad was in? This is apparently him and his crew (I have other pictures of him and it certainly is at least him in this photo). Looking for any context that might help resolve this bit of my confusion.
If yellow at the time and with some films would show up this dark against light mud and black, then I'll call it closed and move along.
All my references are packed away from a move and reno, so I can't look it up in my own library (PITA, that).
Thanks for any help.