My initial thoughts. The plastic is a little soft, but glues very well for me. Care must be taken when removing parts from the sprues. I use a fingernail clipper and a small angle cutter.
Fit of the engine parts was good, but a few were annoying. As an example the halves to the cylinders have too much wiggle room. At least for me. The finished engine looks good, I will add details later.
After test fitting the parts that hold the torsion bars and suspension arms to the hull (S34, S36, S38, TC9 TC10) I decided to put the hull sides on. These parts are not well supported on the lower hull floor plate. With the sides on there is a solid place to mount the parts.
I added the front and rear plates to be sure the sides were squared up. The upper hull plates are loose. The only fit problem I found is at the rear. Either I got the plates lined up wrong, which seems unlikely since everything fit together, but there is a obvious seam where the final drive bulges should contact the rear hull. Nothing a little filler and welds won't fix.
Over-all I think everything went together very well so far. The hull came out square, and solid, with a little effort.