Since I have yet to see anyone else post about this particular kit, I've decided to show you my progress so far with it. This is the Hobby Boss T29E1 kit. It's pretty big - the box was a third longer than the usual DML boxing.

Overall impressions are mixed. I am a novice level modeller so take my opinion with a grain of salt. On one hand, the kit is unusually cheap. I got mine for roughly 29 USD. In a day and age where new kit releases by Dragon, Trumpeter and Takom usually sell for 40-60 USD, this is quite a huge bonus for a budget conscious modeler like me. Detail wise... it does a good job in some respects but many parts are oddly simplified. Take for example the stowage boxes on the hullsides. These have separate molded on handles/loops for stowage (around 6 on each side). While immensely frustrating to build (I lost quite a couple. The mounting points are also small and don't help much in placement) - it did provide a good level of detail for the kit. The instruction also asks me to add more of these handles to the hull sides itself but I am thinking of either not doing so or using copper wire. In contrast, many of the hatches have their grab handles molded on solid. This is quite noticeable and you may choose to replace this with wire.

The turret has some really nice cast texture.... that is only applied on the top part of the turret shell. The bottom part is as smooth as a baby's bottom. Immensely disappointing. I stippled on some Mr. Surfacer 500 to compensate for this and used that to hide the joint seam that resulted from joining both together.

Fit wise is neither here nor there. Nothing a modeler with average experience can't handle. A lot of the larger parts would not fit until you sand it down a bit. The rear of the lower hull went not so great for me but this is hidden by the drive housings. This is definitely not a Tamiya kit.
Overall, I like this kit so far. Have yet to do the tracks. Will report on how easy/difficult they are - they are designed to be workable and looks fiddly. Hopefully I don't butcher them too much.
Here it is beside a Tiger I I am painting the camo on soon. The T29E1 definitely a pretty big tank. Looks really cool and imposin but I can already imagine all the problems it would encounter in trying to get to combat like crossing bridges and getting stuck in mud.