Dragon: Arab German Armour
Managing EditorSanta Cruz de Tenerife, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 06:50 PM UTC

Continuing the series of vehicles which fought the Six Day War, the latest additions are a Jagdpanzer IV and a Stug III in Arab service.
Read the Full News StoryIf you have comments or questions please post them here.
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 07:45 PM UTC
As far as I know, one (perhaps even more) of those still remains on the Golan Heights.
Here's a link to some great info regarding Syrian usage of ex-German hardware: Carolina, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 07:50 PM UTC
Cool stuff,not knowing anything about the Arab machines,I wonder if there is more to it then just slapping Arab markings and colors on the WWII German vehicles,or were modifications made and did Dragon manage to incoperate any of them
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Posted: Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 08:54 PM UTC
Don't know if these are accurate, but COOL BEANS!
Georgia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 08:55 PM UTC
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Cool stuff,not knowing anything about the Arab machines,I wonder if there is more to it then just slapping Arab markings and colors on the WWII German vehicles,or were modifications made and did Dragon manage to incoperate any of them
Apparently there are differences in the Arab Stug kit. They mention that in the description on the dragonusaonline site.
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Posted: Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 08:57 PM UTC
Intriguing, always cool stories behind recycled WW II vehicles!
Georgia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 10:50 PM UTC
Just took another peek at the new Stug (the pics weren't uploaded yet last night) and what they have done is add a larger MG to the commander's cupola, as well as a PE piece over the mantlet that looks like some kind of shield over the gap between the gun and the encasement. There may be an additional storage box on a fender but those are the main new features.
Kit number is 3601.
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 02:54 AM UTC
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Cool stuff,not knowing anything about the Arab machines,I wonder if there is more to it then just slapping Arab markings and colors on the WWII German vehicles,or were modifications made and did Dragon manage to incoperate any of them
Lets hope this is not 'lipstick on a pig' with nothing more than a repackage with Arab markings and a couple of PE parts. Would hope Dragon is improving, but I guess we'll see...
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 03:14 AM UTC
Hope so too! Wonder which version of the Jagdpanzer they used, remember the first kits of this were pretty old and mediocre by modern standards, sort of like the reboxed CyberHobby kits: good value, so-so detail. Oh, and these are Jagdpanzers and not STUGs. Different vehicle. Like the Syrian angle and wonder what it says.
California, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 03:49 AM UTC
I had no idea the Syrians had Hummels, or that they had been scrounging around for AFVs so desperately before the Soviets poured in modern equipment, amazing.
It seems like these vehicles could be achieved by modification sets for existing kits rather than whole new models. But I suppose commercial considerations make new models more attractive to the big kit makers.
I hope they turn their attention to vehicles used in larger numbers, e.g. some IDF SP artillery. Some infantry and vehicle crew sets for the '67 war would also be nice.
What do you mean we don't have a Plan B?
Georgia, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 03:55 AM UTC
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Hope so too! Wonder which version of the Jagdpanzer they used, remember the first kits of this were pretty old and mediocre by modern standards, sort of like the reboxed CyberHobby kits: good value, so-so detail. Oh, and these are Jagdpanzers and not STUGs. Different vehicle. Like the Syrian angle and wonder what it says.
If you're talking to me I indicated the Stug is another Arab-themed kit they've put out with the Jagdpanzer.
Which Varanusk also mentions at the top of the thread, and the article itself mentions the Jagdpanzer is the L/48 version.
Good job, soldier. LeVar Burton would be proud.
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 07:11 AM UTC
Burgos, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 08:59 AM UTC
But.... Where is the Pz. IV?
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 09:02 AM UTC
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But.... Where is the Pz. IV?
This one's at the AAF Tank Museum in Danville Va. It's from Syria.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 09:06 AM UTC
Disregard the color. My camera settings were off.
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 09:23 AM UTC
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But.... Where is the Pz. IV?
Dragon must have been drawing out the anticipation.
It was announced today on the Dragonusa site.
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Steve Willoughby
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 08:34 PM UTC
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Disregard the color. My camera settings were off.
Anyway, this tank was restored in Israel before being "traded" with the AAF Museum, so the color accuracy for a Syrian tank does not mean too much.
It's not too much, but it's all we got...
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 11:28 PM UTC
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 02:32 AM UTC
Thanks for posting that link Chris, I had not seen that before, very informative.
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 02:35 AM UTC
...although it was a double post already.
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 02:55 AM UTC
Hi Guys,
If trying to make a Syrian Stug, check your references really carefully, as I think Dragon will do a close enough / near enough job so to speak.
I am currently building one that is based on an early hull type with bolt on armour & zim, but it has the very late 5 point bilsten crane attachments, and even though dragon give you the extended shield the gun can also differ & the mount for it.
Cheers Mike
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