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Excellent! Kitbash the turret from the M1117 onto a V150 and a Filipino car fighting in Malawi is possible.
Here is an in progress shot – albeit several weeks old as I am currently away from home for work. Unlike the LAV150S I did previously, I am doing the interior on this one.
Turret is from Trumpeter’s M1117, with work still underway to modify the left side to represent mounting an M240 vice the kit’s Mk19. The upper part of the turret (vision blocks/sight) is from Trumpeter’s AVGP Grizzly kit. The turret basket is being made from a HobbyBoss AAVP7A1, with some modification of course. I will also be adding radio gear, probably RT542 and R442 along with M16s, M60 and various gear scattered about.