After last year's Panzerbefehlswagen III Ausf.H (Item No. 6844) from Dragon, they have now announced a special DAK configuration of this Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.H
I have been resisting Dragon for awhile, now, owing to their crass infatuation with DS tracks, etc. and lack of new stuff in their new releases. But this one raises my eyes up! I might just have to get one and add the magic tracks from my stash... It looks pretty interesting!
Queensland, Australia Joined: April 23, 2015
KitMaker: 4,648 posts
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Nothing if not ingenious when it comes to maximizing molds for their kits. I really like the long-range antenna as it sets this version apart from the normal command tank.
Hey, is everything that was German and fought in Africa DAK? I don't think that is right. In fact, the premier Tiger authority in the world tells us that the world's oldest surviving Tiger E captured by Americans in Africa was not an Afrika Corps vehicle. Just wanted to clarify a point. Seems all too many people misunderstand that. Probably because too many American historians have misunderstood that not all German forces there were Afrika Corps.
North Carolina, United States Joined: June 06, 2006
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The 15th Panzer Division insignia and Afrika Korps palm tree on this particular vehicle are dead give aways that it is indeed Deutsche Afrika Korps as opposed to Panzer Armee Afrika.
To me it's similar to how some think every unit in Patton's Third Army was an armored division.
"The only thing a man should take seriously is the fact that nothing should be taken seriously."
Samuel Butler, Victorian satirist