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Hi; Randall;
"Yes" The Shroud as you call it was easy to remove, and became loose very easily, and was one reason why Tank crews Hated it so much as they were required to secure it after each time the Gun was fired. It was also very easy to replace the entire sleeve in A very short time. When looking at 2a46s the one thing that they don't show is the drain Holes in the Bottom of the sleeve that helps displace moisture inside the sleeve. I have A Miniarm T-72 Ural turret in my collection which I also used A Magic Model Barrel without the sleeve and used A Tamiya T-72 as the doner kit which I added extra details and I also replased the glassis plate also from Miniarm to make it accurate for A early T-72 which was even earlier than the A model which has the Luna search lite on the Port side. Its A Mk; of the T-72 that you very seldom ever See !
How was the Miniarm glassis plate? I was looking at it but still on the fence about it. Having done a lot of casting large pieces like that worry me a bit. Large castings tend to shrink some. I've seen it used on a few tanks, but no one gave any thoughts.
If you watch the videos from Syria some of the shrouds move as the gun is fired, but that could be my lousy eyes acting up again! They need to check out the tv show The Red Green Show, and learn about duct tape. ON the RB barrels the drain holes are there, but are very small.
On some of the T-90's I was looking at the shrouds are different. Not sure how they are put on.
After breaking away from the world of YouTube I got some work done on the turret. That guard on the front of the commanders cupola was mounted using rods welded to the cupola and fitted on like those old tent poles. I added the rods using some brass rod and small diameter brass tube.
I removed my modified antenna mount and decided to order one of the Magic Models ones. Hopefully it will be shipped soon, along with some co-ax barrels I wanted to look at.
The light on the cupola is fiddly, and I messed it up. By the time I noticed it was glued solid. I put it on as shown by the instructions, but the light is crooked on the mount, and the cable broke. In the good old days we covered things like that with the random tarp, so maybe I can cover it with a towel or map or something.
I still need a solution to the gap around the gun mantlet cover. So far no one has answered my pleas for an AM cover.