Adam, great blog / review, though I must confess to some disappointment after reading all of it that there were no photos of the built kit... Then I remembered it was just an inbox review, so good job on raising the modelling excitement level!
Like the lengthy discussion of the box art, something that is often very appealing in old kits. If I recall correctly there is (or was) some rules about showing pictures of guns being fired on the box art, so that Japanese kits were never topped with pics like those of Airfix kits which always seemed to have all guns blazing. Happy to be proved wrong though. On the ability of this tank to blow the turret off a Sherman, I think, being generous, that we could assume that the Sherm caught fire, setting off the rounds in an internal explosion which did the damage. The Sherman is on the left by the way... not the right
I also note that the top view of the camo scheme is included in the instructions, something that I've been bemoaning even in the Zvezda Terminator kit where no top view is given of the scheme I'm currently attempting.