I just received my copy of this book, in preparation for the Takom Merkava 1 kit I have on order. I have several of the Desert Eagle publications on the Merkava series, but I must say that this one, BY FAR. has the best photographs of any of them! The photos seem much sharper than the other books, the color far richer, and the images seem to be generally larger than in the other books. Don't get me wrong, the other books have all been great, and ideal companions for the models kits of the vehicles they illustrate, but somehow, this book is truly an order of magnitude better. In addition to the pictures, the history of the Merkava tank is a nice addition to the beginning of this book. I am very grateful to Michael Mass who, along with other authors, keeps these books coming out. Truly, this is going to be a great book to help me make the most realistic Merkava I that I could hope to do; you won't be missing any details!