@ dvsand,
Thanks so much for answering my two posts. I would be hugely grateful if you could look up the B30 parts for me. I'll leave the PE12 part off until the tank is ready for paint, as I can see that you are correct, that it would be a pain to not knock off. Regarding the 61 part, I actually did see it on ONE photo of the real tank, but the photo was far away from the turret top, and I could not see the details of the location. As of the moment, I do see that you have to bend the part 90 degrees, but it beats me as to the exact location on the turret top, because anywhere close to where the Eduard instructions tell you that it goes, it does not fit the curve of the turret top. If you can find out anything I'll be hugely grateful.
Regarding the ball and chain, I have 3 sets of Voyager ball and chain sets, and am thinking that I'd like to use those instead of the kit supplied PE chain and 1/2 plastic balls, but would love to hear of your experiences with those ball/chains, however you did it.
And, about the PE screen around the sight/rangefinder, I do have it in place, but I must tell you that it took me about 6 tries to get it right. I had it super glued the first time, and the angle was wrong, so I had to use superglue de-bonder, which wreaks havoc with plastic (it puts a white crazed finish in the plastic, and lucky that the base plastic part was not destroyed in using that debonding stuff). I realized, after looking at photos of the real tank, and after gluing the screen in place that first time, that the screen is supposed to be fully vertical on all sides of the base part (well at least for the ~270 degrees that the screen goes around). You can't just glue the bottom edge of PE part to the base equally from the bottom of the plastic base, or the PE screen will end up 'cocked' forward and sideways. I ended up doing this: I found a wooden dowel (in my Small Shop PE tool shaping kit) that was as close to the diameter of the plastic base as is in the shaping kit. I wrapped the PE screen around that dowel at one of the ends, and taped it tightly around the dowel. Then, I CAREFULLY inserted the plastic base inside the bottom edge of the screen, and tried as best as I could to align the screen such that it was going to be completely vertical around the entire perimeter when the plastic base was glued to the turret top. This took me about 30 minutes of sweating blood to get it aligned right, given the essentially micro adjustments I had to make. Only after getting it to sit right, did I take some superglue and drop small amounts on the bottom edge of the PE screen, such that it would glue the screen to the plastic. I left it to dry for over an hour, and propped the other end of the dowel so that the screen/base didn't rest against anything and move the screen while the glue dried. It turned out fine (though I haven't painted it yet), but it was truly a nightmare. if you have trouble understanding what I have described, I can try to simulate what I did in a series of pictures, which I can post for you, or describe on the phone if you'd like.