As I am currently awaiting replacement parts for my Challenger, I decided to do a practice/test build. Dragon's M4A2 Red Army Sherman was perfect. Oh, I found a photo of the radiators situated, in the engine compartment with no overhang. I will attempt to locate and share it. This is my first attempt, at oils. The weathering is a combination of cheap oils, AK Interactive and Testors enamels and VMS pigments. I am not liking oils. It reminds me of learning to airbrush, all over again. I sprayed the tank with a base coat of Tamiya Olive Drab and a few areas of Vallejo Model Air Dark OD. The tarp is just some doped napkin. I recommend napkins, over tissue. They appear to be more to scale and are not as likely to tear. The logo, on the side translates to "Victory". Hand painted, with Vallejo Model Color German White. The markings were touched up, with the same color(including drips). I have not assembled the 50 cal, yet. You may notice that the light is incomplete, as well. Need to find out what color the lense should be. I'm looking forward to finishing this one, when the Archer weld beads arrive. I could do the welds, myself but am just too lazy. Almost forgot, there a pock marks made, with a rotary tool bur. I painted them Vallejo Model Color German Camo Dark Brown. I believe it is a close representation to heat treated steel. I worked heat treat, at a mill. I roughly highlighted the edges, with Vallejo Model Color Sky Grey. The ammo boxes are of the Verlinden variety. The chain(barely visible) is of brass, blackened with gun blue and sprayed with Alclad Steel. I think that covers everything. Let me know what you think.

I can provide more angles to display the sides and mantlet, if requested.