I recently built a Sd.Kfz. 253 (CyberHobby) and to me the tracks are a huge PITA. First, there are two ejector marks on each link, which take some time to remove. Second, the pins are so fragile that I broke several during assembly. That means drilling holes and using copper wire for the pins, Friul-style. Granted, they look good, but for me it's never again!
Better use Friuls, or maybe the new 3D-printed tracks by Minor from Spain. These have to be ordered directly, though, at least in Germany. The only distributor, Sockelshop, has stopped selling their products.
Another big letdown in Dragon's 250/252/253 kits are the drive sprockets. The older ones, which are still included in some kits, are much more accurate, even if they lack some detail like the rivets for the rubber pads. But the rollers are the correct size and slightly offset, as they should be. The newer sprockets have more detail but are totally off in all other respects. See Terry Ashley's reviews (Perth Military) for more on that.