This one I think I built in 2013, kind of a what if scenario, using Trumpeter's E-10 Tank Destroyer kit, and I believe a Custom Dioramics wharf base. A old Italeri Panzer IV turret was used as possible burnt out 'street turret'. Water was made from layers of Gloss Mod Podge, the dead tree is a resin piece I acquired in 2004. Tank crewman kind of having a chuckle at the squad leader as he's yelling at his men to 'get your lazy butts up here!' Again sorry for the grainy-ness of the pics, was my old IPhone 4s. Tried using the wife's SLR camera, but the camera and I don't seem to see eye to eye, and do not have a good working relationship.
Achtung, Panzer!
Washington, United States Joined: September 03, 2004
KitMaker: 1,185 posts
Armorama: 810 posts
Hey, that's the 'KellyZak' outstanding dios I remember seeing, been awhile and now need to get you going on a new project. Anything in the works? Anxious for more...please. Truly exemplary attention to details and quality work is just superb. Really well done camo on the uniforms. There's just so much going on here, and combines so well into your storyline. Thks for sharing.
"With your shield or dead upon it!"
British Columbia, Canada Joined: August 19, 2003
KitMaker: 641 posts
Armorama: 503 posts
Hey Mike, Thanks! I've started constructing a Firefly for a dio down the road with a old Verlinden Bridge base, I've also posted my Dragon Wagon dio the other day, you can go check that out in here as well, and I've also done a Meng Tiger I from the World War Toons line. I do have an Elefant dio recently completed before I did the WWT Tiger, I do have some more to come during the week hopefully, as time permits!
Achtung, Panzer!
Texas, United States Joined: April 07, 2009
KitMaker: 1,063 posts
Armorama: 1,049 posts
Really nice work here! I like the amount of rubble clogging the street and the scene flows well. Just one query. In the photo looking face-on at the tank crewman, are the binoculars unpainted, or am I nit-picking?
Even my pick-up is panzer grey.
British Columbia, Canada Joined: August 19, 2003
KitMaker: 641 posts
Armorama: 503 posts
Geez, nearly had a coronary there LOL Had to do a double take, yes they are painted, I painted them a desert yellow, at the time I must have had a reason, but I can't think of it now why I did it all these years later.
Achtung, Panzer!
New Jersey, United States Joined: September 22, 2006
KitMaker: 1,081 posts
Armorama: 1,066 posts
Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2017 - 01:03 AM UTC
Hi Kelly,
it's me again. My gorgeous wife had a really "bright" idea although she usually doesn't support my modelling (well it's more the constant buying she doesn't agree with than the modelling!) "Why don't you simply use a translation site, you ...........!?" So out comes the German word "Kai" or "Kaimauer" which makes sense after all. Stupid me! I know that my English isn't the best either, so I didn't want to say anything against your German you, only trying to help!