Hi all While roaming the internet, I came a cross this funny photo. Yes, it's quite clearly a fake, but it really looks funny. And a great way to kit bash, if you really want to build both a Sherman and a Pz. IV, but only have time to build one kit. Jacob
"I never apologize - Sorry, that's just the way I am" Homer Simpson
Stockholm, Sweden Joined: November 29, 2006
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Could it be a real photo of "fake" "tanks" made for some movie? Get some Sherman chassis, keep the lower chassis and build a Pz IV look-a-like on top? Something that looks like a T-55 turret can be seen in the background which would make sense if this was the storage yard for some "Rent-a-Tank" company. Pz IV's in running condition is harder to get than a bunch of Sherman chassis
Maybe a whole new branch of modelling: Movie props / Robin
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Metro Manila, Philippines Joined: May 06, 2007
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The suspension isn't just a Sherman, it's the all metal Canadian track found on Grizzlies and Sextons. Look at the sprocket under the PzkpfwIV facade. That's the Canadian style sprocket.
Also, the hull front is stepped and has obvious open view ports on the right with the other side looking cosmetic.
Now the thing is I've watched a lot of movies and I have not seen these particular vismods. I've seen the Russian Ausf H built from T-55 from White Tiger and a whole movie built up around the Enemy at the Gates Pzkpfw III conversions. But never these.
The latter movie had two M18 hellcats against a training unit with the Pzkpfw III. Amazing what you can do with Reanactors on a small budget. Crappy movie but great look at vintage armor in action.
By the way the green turret in the background is a Sherman. The wind vane sight and round vision cupola hatch are giveaways.
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Steve Willoughby
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom Joined: June 20, 2008
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Neat-looking replicas! There's a re-enactor group here at UK shows that has PzIII and StuG mock-ups on FV432 chassis, as well as the post-war 251 halftrack copy.
Love to know how they got the CDP track, given its rarity...
"Glue, or Glue Not - there is no Dry-Fit" - Yoda (original script from Return of the Jedi...)
Are you guys telling me that they are real? WOW, I really thought they were photo shopped. I found them on some Russian site, but I have absolutely no idea which, sorry. Jacob
"I never apologize - Sorry, that's just the way I am" Homer Simpson
Arizona, United States Joined: January 18, 2006
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One of the re-enactor groups in the US has/had one of these, but I think it had rubber tracks. There was one featured on one of the so called reality tv car repo shows. They were supposed to go repo it only to learn it was a tank. It was cool looking as they were driving it around.
I found a nifty feature on the forums called HIDE USER.
I was going to try it on myself and go stealth, but it only works on other users.