They're all over the place scale wise . I have the Sherman ,Tiger I and Tiger II . The Sherman turret hatch looks to be 1/35 in scale , but the whole tank is 3 inches long and 2 inches wide , you try and figure the scale out

. I did add Academy 1/35 sprocket , idler , road wheels and Dragon Sherman track to give it a little more scale look than the toy type wheels and track it came with . The Tiger I body is the width of the Tamiya 1/35 Tiger but half as long , The road wheels , while looking the part , are a little smaller as is the turret , but the commander's hatch fits a 1/35 figure , no problem . I added spare track , tools and Feifels from the parts box . The Tiger II tank is the same size as the Tamiya Henschel turret . No room for the driver hatches or a full engine deck on this kit and the wheels are toy like . Commander's hatch , maybe 1/48 , the whole kit is a mish mash of scales , that being said , I haven't had this much fun building stuff in a long time . I've seen the KV II , small like the Sherman , even worse wheels and track , I'm giving that one a pass . The AFV one is much better IMO