This one I finished about a month ago, only took two years off and on to do

Dragon's Elefant kit, an old Verlinden building ruin, and various figures. Figures are a little rough, I'm trying a different way of painting them, to try and improve them, especially the faces. I've tried oils on them for some time, and I just can't get it to work for me, so I've been using acrylics, and I think I'm improving on them, just have to practice and practice! Water was made from layers of Mod Podge Gloss, I did try using the Vallejo Still Water effects, added in layers, but it just seemed to keep peeling up when it dried? So out it came and I used the Mod Podge, I seem to have decent results with it. Fence was made from cut up coffee stir sticks and spare balsa wood. The ivy is laser cut paper from Jay Works, first time using it, was kind of hard to get it to sit naturally without breaking it when trying to lay it. If anyone has ideas on how to do this, please let me know!