Quoted Text
Quoted TextI drove A10 Atrp 1/11th from late 77 until we traded them for M60A1s and was school trained in Knox. We called the TCs plates chicken shields. When I got there the tracks were on their last legs. It was rare for all 6 tracks in the platoon to be up at the same time. Parts were scarce since they were on the way out. The recoil was severe the first 2 road wheels did lift off the ground. The M551 was much better in Europe then Nam, no humidity and moderate temperatures.
Oh and Gary the turret was made of welded plate not cast. If memory serves I don't believe our missile system was operational most of the time.
I built the old Tamiya kit as my tank years ago. I would love an accurate one.
I always knew they were welded steel plat, you might (or I might have) confused you with cast resin.
Back to what I called crows nest. I've heard it called many things, but never tea cup. Toilet was my favorite! Infantry guys gave it that name, not me.
I never could figure out why the traded a perfectly good M48a3 for the Sheridan, and other folks felt the same. Still in the Sheridan's defense, it wasn't quite as prone to bogging down as the 48. But it would! Much, much easier to get out than the M48.
I remember reading that the troopers who traded 113s for M551s loved the upgrade, the tankers who went the other way hated the down grade. I think it was Army politics trying to justify a shaky program to Congress.
When we ditched them in 78 for brand new M60A1 RISE Passives the tankers were overjoyed. Ditching rolling rejects for brand new rides.
But why or why doesn't the Sheridan get any love from model companies.