At least it existed in real steel and not just a sketch on a piece of paper
Maybe a cool diorama
Some more images here: least one of them is on PhotoBucket, so you may feel like this:
unless you have installed the browser workaround which makes at least me feel like this A quote of a quote from the thread linked to above:
"According to Rommel's Funnies by Jentz & Doyle, Pz.Kpfw. II were used as the platform for an SP 15 cm sIG 33 which was designated 15 cm sIG 33 Selbstfahrlafette. While the gun was generally deemed to be very good, the motor was too weak and rapid overheating was very frequent.
A photo of the Pz.Kpfw. III version actually graces the cover of this book and the caption (on the inside of the cover) says: "A Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. H was converted by the troops in North Africa into a 15 cm s.I.G.33 B Sfl. Components including the 15 cm s.I.G. 33 B (with shortened trail), gun shield, superstructure sides with tool storage, and ammunition racks were stripped from a verstaerktem (verstärktem) Pz.Kpfw. II Fahrgestell (strengthened Pz. II chassis)." "
Not to be confused with this one, different chassis:
Also issued by DML some years ago
/ Robin