There seemed to be two versions of vehicle+launcher configuration. The one represented in Dragon kit actually carried the towed trailer with wheels and support legs removed. So theoretically one should be able to throw away the Dragon launcher parts and replace them with AFV Club modified trailer/launcher. I'm not sure how this version fired, as it is not possible to lower the blast shield with the trailer on a vehicle...

Actually in above photos the vehicle does not have the blast shield at all... Could such vehicle fire the missiles at all in any other direction than forward? Maybe it is just a museum concoction, not a real thing?...
The other variant had a completely different launcher configuration with distinctive large support (?) "wheels" added at the rear of the vehicle. For launch the launcher module was moved to the rear (what allowed for lowering the blast shield) and support wheels were lowered to the ground.

I start to think that Dragon kit is a not-existing-in-reality mix of features of both variants...