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Abrams M1A1 Tank...Upgrades...Turret & Thermal Sights...
Marines' M1A1 Abrams tanks are about to get even more awesome. The improvements to 400 tanks will include a button that will allow the tank commander to move the main gun on a target being tracked by the tank's .50 caliber machine gun, and improved day and thermal sights, said Mike Kreiner, M1A1 project officer for Marine Corps Systems Command. All of the improvements were inspired by feedback from Marine tankers in Iraq, Kreiner told Marine Corps Times. They will be installed between October and December 2017, he said. The M1A1 Abrams tank has a turret and a 120 mm smoothbore main gun operated by the gunner and a .50 caliber machine gun operated by the commander from inside the tank, Kreiner said. Now MARSYSCOM is making it easier for commanders to move the main gun as well. "That allows them to engage targets quicker, specifically when the tank is moving," Kreiner said. "He [the commander] can track a target on the move using his .50 caliber and then press the button and the main gun can come over there." Without these improvements, tank commanders have to visually acquire the target and use an override to move the turret, he said. "It's just difficult to do on the move," Kreiner said. Making it easier for tank commanders to move the turret and main gun can shave precious seconds off the time it takes to acquire a target, depending how far commanders need to traverse the turret, he said. The tank's day and thermal sights are also being improved by adding a color camera and a color display, Kreiner said. The existing camera and display for both sights shows targets in green and black. "We couldn't distinguish blue, red, white, yellow, purple targets, specifically in vehicles," Kreiner said. "Color cues are very important for positive identification. You might have two trucks in a column waiting a checkpoint and one's red and one's green, and they say, 'Hey, you need to target that green truck.' Well, they couldn't distinguish that." Both the day and thermal sights will also be able to see much further than they can now, he said. When asked if the M1A1 Abrams improvements are meant to counter the latest Russian tanks, Kreiner said categorically "they were not." "This requirement was not based on any specific threats," he said. Source: Marine Corps Time, Jeff Schogol, August 26, 2016
And yet another article...
Abrams M1A1 Tank Update...Upgrades...Armor & Programmable Ammo...
The Marines Corps is upgrading its M1A1 tanks so that gunners can program when 120 mm main gun rounds detonate. “It puts several ammunition capabilities into a single round,” said Lt. Col. Mark Braithwaite. “Given the logistics challenges of carrying multiple types of unique rounds for unique applications, having a round that can handle more than one type of target is particularly advantageous.” Some Marine tanks already have a version of the system, and all of the Corps’ roughly 400 tanks will get newer ammunition data links in 2020, said Braithwaite, team lead for tank systems at Marine Corps Systems Command. Using a console, gunners can program Multi-Purpose High Explosive rounds to detonate on impact, explode after a delay or airburst, he said. That way, one type of tank round can be used against enemy armor or infantry, depending on when it explodes. “The airburst is specifically an anti-infantry capability,” Braithwaite said. The Army’s tank fleet includes variants of the M1A2 Abrams tank, which has been produced since 2005, but the Marine Corps has no plans to acquire the newer tanks, he said. Corps officials are committed to making sure the M1A1 is still relevant on the battlefield. Toward that end, the Corps will begin adding new front and side armor to all of its M1A1 tanks starting in fiscal 2019, said Braithwaite, who could not discuss what the new armor’s capabilities are or what types of threats it is designed to defeat. Unlike recent upgrades to the Marines’ tanks, the new armor was not inspired by experiences in Iraq, he said. It is expected to take about 15 years to add the armor to the Corps’ tanks because the armor is best added when tanks are completely rebuilt at the Anniston Army Depot in Alabama, he said. “Fifteen years is not set in stone because there are a lot of contributing factors to that,” Braithwaite said. “The modification is going to be applied as we rebuild tanks, and those numbers can change based on funding how many tanks we do per year.” Source: Marine Corps Times, Jeff Schogol, October 26, 2017