Eh , nothing especially large , IMO , Robin
Some larger scratch-builds out of slightly thicker brass in 1/20.
The standard fare in 1/35
My issue is that the electric irons I have are crap --the only one that is powerful enough is a big , trigger actuated goof that is ill suited for any of this .
Like I was saying , I can get it done with a torch but I don't like the whole flame thing -- clumsy to start/stop and it's not fed by the never ending pixies that come out of the wall.
and I don't have the control I want with the amount of energy I'm dumping into the work .
The torch I use is junk too

- so I could buy a better torch or get a better iron
I was intending to just order a decent iron with enough power but seeing those hot-air gizmos made me reconsider .
I've been wanting to make a soldering jig of some sort -- something to free me up from my extreme non-ambidextrous impediment

-- Be experimenting with some ideas when this thing arrives
Also be nice to have that DC adjustable power-supply and a good iron for doing other things I have been doing ad hoc for too long .
.... . I think I will open it up and check all the continuities prior to launch though , , considering it's pedigree