Quoted Text
Those rocket pods look different than our M26 pods. Does the MARS use a different rocket or just a different pod?
So if a person wanted to build this into a US version, the rocket pods would have to be changed?
It seems as if Germany have (or have had) different rocket pods:
rear end

Smaller diameter rockets
Rear end of pods:
Needs a refill:
refilling the refill:
Found it:
"Des Weiteren kann auch die kostengünstigere Munition des mittlerweile nicht mehr im Bundeswehrarsenal befindlichen Lars geladen und abgefeuert werden, die sich immer noch im Munitionsbestand der Bundeswehr befindet. Die LAR (Leichte Artillerie-Rakete) hat ein Kaliber von 110 mm, eine Gebrauchsschussentfernung von sechs bis sieben Kilometern und wird aus extra dafür angefertigten RPCs (Rocket Pod Container) abgefeuert, die per Hand geladen werden müssen."
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_Launch_Rocket_System Short translation:
To reduce costs for training they can use existing stocks of the LARS rockets from the obsolete LARS-launchers. These are fired from special pods which have to be refilled manually.
The MARS from Trumpeter shows the practice pods.
I wonder if the "real" pods are included as well ...
Sprue images at Trumpeter web-site give me the impression that the regular pods are not included.
If you want to build the US MLRS there is another Trumpeter kit for that :
/ Robin