The model starts with the wheel bogies which are easily assembled, but there are a couple of hiccups to be aware of. Firstly the wheels themselves are a sloppy fit and it needs to be pointed out that in the photographs they are only secured with PVA glue. The difficulty here will be in getting the wheels correctly aligned when permanently secured, not overly difficult but an unwelcome hill to climb. The second issue is that part A15 is a shaped fit connecting point which is again loose and could result with the road wheels not all touching the ground.
Moving on to attaching the bogies to the model, and I am very pleased with this aspect of the model as the connection points are good. The photo etch does not have the clearest directions possible and the bending point is very wide. The two smallest photo etch guards for the suspension springs are not correctly numbered in the instructions and should be numbered as parts 9 and 14, however it is an easy error to resolve due to the shape of the parts.
The rear gearbox housing that is next up is a really nice fit on the model and very well detailed. The front bell housings are also fitted and these are also a very nice fit; however the wheels to this area are again sloppy and so will require careful placement when securing them.
The drive wheels themselves are next and these are very nicely detailed but not without issue. The centre portion of the wheel is attached via four of the teeth, I removed them with a scalpel and then cleaned the teeth with a sanding stick. Regardless of how you intend to tackle this take care as access is tight. Also on the centre wheel portion there are three large plastic spurs that need to be removed and here I used a micro chisel to avoid damaging the detail on the raised portion.