Thanks gents – I guess Colin wasn’t impressed how much I crapped on so he cut out all line/para spaces...and loaded the pix in reverse order! Maybe he still hasn’t forgiven me for the er crack about his avatar.
Glad you liked the results Edo, you saw the potential & I found my inner fraudster – decades ago I fooled my final-year tutor at uni for about 30 seconds with a full-on drawing of a dancer a la Degas, tea stains and all. Since retiring I was contemplating a lucrative part-time occupation, so maybe...
Thanks for the aye-vote Nick, I just feel I’d prefer to know whether what I was looking at was – or wasn’t – what the author saw through the lens when the photo was taken.
Hmm next project...might be further delayed. Regulars will recall my wife had an Achilles operation earlier this month... unfortunately 4 days later she fell over trying to self-locomote (against orders) in hospital and broke her wrist into about 20 pieces according to the surgeon who glued them back together with a titanium plate. So the love of my life now looks like she’s been in a bad road smash with plaster casts on two (opposing) limbs, although she’s kinda enjoyed being on heavy-heavy opioids for many of the last 10 days. Rehab & physio are now much more complicated and will take longer & with a lot of help, so I might manage a couple of ammo boxes by August.