In preparation for the 50th Anniversary of the 1968 Tet Offensive and the May Offensive that members of 2d Battalion 47th Infantry (Mechanized) 9th Infantry Division were participants of and their reunion being held in April, I am building a series of projects depicting the battalion's service in Vietnam from the time they landed in Vung Tau in January 1967 through the actions they were involved in during 1968. This vignette depicts their participation in the May 1968 Offensive in Saigon's District 8. Several units from the 9th Infantry Division were sent into District 8 to dislodge the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong that had infiltrated into that portion of the city. 2/47th Infantry (Mech) were among those units.
In this vignette, they are fighting house to house (hence the title of this vignette) moving in the direction of the Y Bridge. It is based on personal accounts of some of the Soldiers who fought in this battle whom I have spoken with to try to capture the feeling of the moment as well as get the equipment and uniform details correct.
The figures are all conversions of Bravo 6 figures with the exception of the dead NVA which was not converted. The two Soldiers wearing flak jackets were originally Marines, but I changed them to Army guys by sculpting on M52 and M69 flak jackets onto them. Some of the details to note are faded helmet covers (the one on the shooting figure is torn), shell casings on the ground, 9th Infantry Division patches on the sleeves of two of the figures, scuffed up boots, dirty uniforms, sweat stains on the uniforms and skin slick with sweat, M79 being reloaded, expended M72 LAW on the ground, a shirt and doll that was dropped by the occupants of the house as they were fleeing the fighting, holes in some of the drums (they were used for collecting drinking water, discarding trash, and some had fuel for scooters and motorcycles in them), and a shell casing being ejected from the M16. Since they are Mechanized Infantrymen and were in close proximity of their tracks, some guys just carried ammo to stay light and mobile and replenished their supply by going back to their tracks to get more throughout the course of the various firefights during the battle hence some of the Soldiers seeming to be lightly equipped compared to their Light Infantry brothers who carried more equipment. The building was bought on eBay from Nam Models. It was originally supposed to be a house from Hue, but similar ones were in District 8. I added a dividing wall that was present on some of the multi-family structures.
Well, I finally got the vignette completed last night and this morning I took a bunch of pictures. I think the vignette turned out pretty good. I hope the guys who are depicted in it who have not seen it yet will like it when they see it in April at the 47th Infantry Regiment's Reunion at Fort Benning, GA.
And here are a bunch of pictures of the vignette.
This is one of my favorite pictures of this vignette...
If anyone has any questions about what I did or what I used for any elements of this vignette, I will be happy to answer them.
Take care and have a great day.