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A truly realistic representation of the real thing, well done Jim! How did you make the rear basket cover? I need to do something similar on my 2B...
Israel, old thread, I know, but I would tell you that the best (and easiest) way for ME to make covers like this is to use Green Stuff, rolled REALLY thin. Once you mix the blue and yellow parts of the epoxy, and get the green, it gets really sticky. You can use either water, or baking powder (my preference) to reduce the stickiness, and also use the powder on whatever you are going to use to roll it out on. Then put the powder on the plastic roller (or whatever) and roll the green stuff to paper-like thinness. My experience is that once it gets that thin, it will remain pliable and won't harden like it will/does when it's thicker. Also, either when it's fresh and rolled thin, or after you let is set up you can trim it with an Xacto blade or just scissors. It's truly easy to handle, especially after it sets up. you can manipulate it to the desired shape (in this case, mostly flat. You can also create the center 'connecting strap' out of the same flattened material, just cut/sliced thinly to simulate the strap width. I'll be happy to answer any questions if there are any.